How to build a high-performance cyber workforce

A severe talent shortage, lack of skilled employees, burnt-out security teams, misalignment with the wider business, and an inability to keep pace with cyber criminals are all issues that plague the security industry. 


Because translating security budgets into a high-performance cybersecurity function remains a sticking point for many organizations.

At Hack The Box (HTB), we see the solution as an investment in people’s careers

In this comprehensive guide for security leaders, we share the secrets behind building high-performing cyber workforces.

A performance platform is no longer just “nice-to-have” but a necessity for teams to proactively protect their organization and excel in their roles.


What you’ll learn about:

  • How to attract and retain top cybersecurity talent.
  • Where to find entry-level talent.
  • How to onboard new cybersecurity hires efficiently and effectively.
  • Shifting your organization’s security culture to one of upskilling and proactiveness.
  • Tracking the right metrics to prove the worth of investing in your people.
  • Implementing a reskilling strategy to develop a cybersecurity A-team.
  • Protecting your teams from burnout and retaining your top talent.
  • Connecting cybersecurity performance with tangible company goals. 

Ready to get started?

Let’s talk about what you need.